CooLifting, Timeless Beauty

How Does CooLift Work?

The Coolifting gun pushes into the facial tissues a powerful CO2 flow. At a very low temperature and a very high pressure which is combined with a high concentration of atomized active ingredients.

The cold CO2 flow and the atomized actives combined with the high application pressure, causes:

  • Paradoxical vessel-motricity: blood vessels constrictions followed by blood vessels dilatations of the blood micro-circulation. By suffering a strong cold stimulus, the blood vessels alternatively constrict and expand to counter it.
  • Cryophoresis and barophoresis: multiplication of the Coolifting active by cold and pressure. The combination of cold with the high pressure applied on the epidermis causes a strong penetration of the Coolifting actives and an exponential increase of its effects.
  • Cryo-carboxytherapy: The CO2 flows at a very low temperature and at a high pressure. This activates blood micro-circulation; it induces collagen and elastine formation and increases the tissues' oxygenating.
  • Thermal shock: stimulation of the underlying tissues. Those tissues are normally at a temperature of some 36°C. Upon experiencing a sudden drop of temperature, it causes a deep and instantaneous dermis reaction.

The Treatments

5 minutes to remove 10 years!


Let us introduce you CooLifting

Frequently Asked Questions

How is CooLifitng used?

The flow is directly projected on the treatment zone, from a distance of 5mm to 10mm distance, for 3 minutes. The session must be carried out by performing a continuous and smooth movement. The actuating time for each zone will be according to the need of the individual.

What are the CooLifitng benefits?

CooLifting generates a great luminosity and anti-aging power effect:

  • Lifitng effect: eliminates superficial wrinkles, reduces deep wrinkles and smoothens and illuminates skin.
  • Rejuvenating effect: intensely stimulates collagen and elastin synthesis, promotes dermis regeneration and improves skin texture and quality
  • De-pigmentation effect: CoolClear providing unified skin tone
  • Cellulite treatment: CoolCell eliminates and drains localised fat and retained liquids.

Who will benefit from the treatment?

It is meant for all types of adults:

  • Tissue stimulation
  • Prevents aging and improves facial rejuvenation
  • Wrinkles attentuation
  • Blemishes attenuation
  • Skin tone homogenisation.

Does it have any secondary effects? Can I continue with my normal life after the session?

It is a non-invasive and non-traumatic treatment, so normal life can be resumed immediately after any CooLifting, CoolClear or CoolCell treatment.

How long does a session's effect last? And how long does a treatment last?

The lifting effect is immediate but needs maintenance. The rejuvenating effect is accumulative and proportional to the number of sessions. The deep rejuvenating effect obtained after a complete treatment is progressive and is obtained along the sessions. A great wrinkles reduction will be seen and felt, along with a substantial improvement of skin quality and the rejuvenation.

How many sessions in a treatment?

A treatment is made of:

  • 4 to 8 sessions in a month (1-2 per week) for the rejuvenating effect: intense collagen stimulation, elastine, dermis regeneration, skin texture and skin quality improvement. Amount of sessions may vary due to different skin and treatment being carried out.
  • Maintenance session: It is advised to carry out a session every 2 weeks, however, using the CooLifting Daily Gel Cream or CoolCell home treatment this may be prolonged to 4 weeks.
  • Always follow the advise of your aesthetician or beautician.

Are the results obtained permanent?

The rejuvenation obtained by means of the shock treatment requires maintenance: one session every two to four weeks as stated in the previous question. However the rejuvenating effect obtained is compounded and permanent.

What is the technology used by the CooLifting gun?

It is a registered technology which applies the properties of cryo-pheresis, baro-pheresis and low temperature together with high with pressure CO2 to generate a thermal contrast in the skin that increases active ingredients penetration, and multiplies the CooLifting rejuvenating effect.

What does one feel during the session?

It is a pleasant feeling for most, the external pressure and cold feeling on the skin. It is completely painless and the more sensitive parts on the skin get a slight tingle.

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